Incorporating the finest aspects of craftsmanship, tradition, and the innovative insights of a renowned tequila-producing family, PERFECTOMUNDO TEQUILA redefines the pursuit of excellence for trendsetters, globe-trotters, and individuals in search of a refined taste. Its unparalleled quality, flavor, and groundbreaking recipes establish PERFECTOMUNDO as a brand that surpasses the anticipations of dedicated tequila enthusiasts.


Only the finest, hand selected Blue Weber Agave are used to craft this ultimate 80-proof Platinum Tequila Blanco. lt is delicious when served "neat," sipped over ice or mixed in an array of cocktails, both classic and cutting-edge. lts unique, ultra-smooth taste and packaging will attract а more diverse, cosmopolitan customer base. This amazing spirit contains intense sweet notes followed Ьу а spicy white peppery punch. lt is silky and delicate, leaving an array of spices оп the palate.


Perfectomundo Reposado is an 80-proof 100% de Agave artisanal Tequila is aged for 11 months in new white oak barrels, developing its full-bodied, intense full agave flavor. lt's during that time the Tequila acquires subtle hints of vanilla and caramel. The oak barrels give Perfectomundo Classico Tequila Reposado а mellow taste, pleasing bouquet, and its pale color. Reposado keeps the Blue Weber Agave taste and is gentler to the palate. lt has а distinct taste that acquires а sophisticated nuance without losing its great heritage.


Perfectomundo Afiejo is а one of а kind aged sipping Tequila, crafted from 100% pure, hand selected, estate grown Blue Agave. Once Perfectomundo Tequila has aged 3 years in charred French oak, charred American oak and aged oak Bourbon barrels, our master distiller Ыends them according to the proprietary recipe, thus creating one the most exquisite, unique and finest sipping Tequilas in the world. The result rivals master cognac and single malt blenders of France and Scotland.